In our school the children are the most important people, therefore it is essential that they have a voice.

We run a ‘Smart School Council’ which every pupil in the school plays an important role in.

Our School Council is led by the ‘Communication Team’. 

The Communication team take a lead role in holding it all together and keeping everyone up to date. They communicate with staff, pupils, parents, governors and visitors to our school and let them know what is going on across the school. They help to make sure that all pupils in the school are involved and engaged in activities. Children are elected to the Communication Team by their classmates but other pupils with a particpat interest or skills are also able to join. Each pupil has a responsibility for a specific medium (i.e. assemblies, noticeboards, newsletters etc) or role (collating class meeting data, going to Governors meetings).

Class meetings

Our class meetings give every pupil, throughout the school, a voice. They are an important way for the children to find out about important issues affecting the school and decisions that have to be made. It gives them the opportunity to give their own opinions about these issues and to influence decisions. Our class meetings enable all of our pupils to communicate with each other and with the adults in school quickly and frequently. The views shared in the class meetings are shared with the communication team through an on-line form.

Action Teams

Action Teams are set up by pupils to address issues which they care about. Their purpose is to make a change in the school or the wider community. They give pupils the chance to become leaders, make changes and pursue their interests.

Anyone can join an action team as ling as they are willing to attend meetings and ‘do their bit’.

Each Action Team is sponsored by a member of staff in the school who helps to support the team in designing and running activities, campaigns and events in the school and the wider community. Each Action Team reports their action points and progress made back to the Communication Team.


Key Action Teams

We have a number of ‘Key Action Teams’ which run throughout the year. Some of these teams have been set up upon the request of Mrs Turner, Mrs Halley and our teachers, and help the children in our school to make a contribution towards our School Development Plan. Other Key Action Teams have been specifically set up to help our school work towards national initiatives and address important issues which are ‘on-going’ (like our Eco-team).